Association News

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FMEA Statement Regarding Proposed Committee Substitute for HB 1331, Amendment to SB 1380
FMEA Statement Regarding Proposed Committee Substitute for HB 1331, Amendment to SB 1380

STATEMENT BY:Amy Zubaly, Executive Director, Florida Municipal Electric Association Regarding Proposed Committee Substitute for HB 1331, Amendment to SB 1380 “The proposed substitute language for House Bill 1331 and an amendment to Senate Bill 1380 will hurt municipal utility communities... Continue Reading

Date posted03/21/2023

FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for February 2023
FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for February 2023

FMEA’s Electric Bill Comparison for February 2023 shows the average bills of public power utilities across Florida are $16.33 less than the average bills for investor-owned utilities per 1,000 kWh. Overall, out of fifteen ranked categories, the City of Quincy reported the lowest bills in... Continue Reading

Postedby Elizabeth Bendele
Date posted03/20/2023

Florida Lineman Competition and Safety Awards Winners Announced at Annual FMEA Awards Banquet
Florida Lineman Competition and Safety Awards Winners Announced at Annual FMEA Awards Banquet

This evening, the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) recognized excellence in Florida public power at an awards banquet where the winners of the Florida Lineman Competition and recipients of the FMEA Safety Awards were announced. The banquet concluded the 2023 Florida Lineman... Continue Reading

Postedby Joanna White
Date posted03/4/2023

FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for January 2023
FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for January 2023

FMEA’s Electric Bill Comparison for January 2023 shows the average bills of public power utilities across Florida are $15.42 less than the average bills for investor-owned utilities per 1,000 kWh. Overall, out of fifteen ranked categories, the City of Quincy reported the lowest bills in... Continue Reading

Postedby Elizabeth Bendele
Date posted02/28/2023

Florida Municipal Electric Association Holds Annual Florida Lineman Competition in Orlando
Florida Municipal Electric Association Holds Annual Florida Lineman Competition in Orlando

The Florida Lineman Competition, which was established by the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA), will take place this coming Saturday, Mar. 4. Electric lineworkers from all over the state will come together to demonstrate their skill and knowledge in the craft of line work. Hosted by... Continue Reading

Postedby Joanna White
Date posted02/28/2023

FMEA would like to welcome our newest Associate Members Hunton, Andrews, Kurth and WD Wright
FMEA would like to welcome our newest Associate Members Hunton, Andrews, Kurth and WD Wright

Please always remember the companies who support FMEA and the Florida Public Power community first when you need to purchase goods or services! Hunton, Andrews, Kurth With over 900 lawyers in the United States, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP serves clients across a... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/30/2023

Gainesville Regional Utilities on Track after Billing Backlog Caused By Meter Reader Shortage
Gainesville Regional Utilities on Track after Billing Backlog Caused By Meter Reader Shortage

By 6:30 a.m. on a recent Friday morning, at least seven of 26 meter readers scheduled for routes had called out sick before their shift at Gainesville Regional Utilities. GRU Meter Reader Supervisor Patricia Baham took the calls but continued to download route information into hand-held meter... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/27/2023

FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for December 2022
FMEA Releases Monthly Bill Comparison Report for December 2022

FMEA’s Electric Bill Comparison for December 2022 shows the average bills of public power utilities across Florida are $0.52 more than the average bills for investor-owned utilities per 1,000 kWh. Overall, out of fifteen ranked categories, the City of Quincy reported the lowest bills in... Continue Reading

Postedby Elizabeth Bendele
Date posted01/26/2023

OUC Gets Top Electric Ranking in Customer Engagement Survey
OUC Gets Top Electric Ranking in Customer Engagement Survey

Recognition stems from efforts to help customers save energy, manage utility bills OUC – The Reliable One took first-place honors in yet another national customer survey, leading all electric utilities that were named “2022 Customer Champions.” The Cogent Syndicated 2022... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/24/2023

Florida Municipal Electric Association Announces 2022 “Restoring Communities Award” Winners
Florida Municipal Electric Association Announces 2022 “Restoring Communities Award” Winners

The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) today announced its 2022 “Restoring Communities Awards,” which recognized public power utilities that either provided or received mutual aid following significant weather events to fellow public power communities in need, or provided... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/10/2023

OUC Explores Molten Salt as Solar Storage Option
OUC Explores Molten Salt as Solar Storage Option

The Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC—The Reliable One) will explore deployment of Malta Inc.’s long-duration energy storage power plant as a reliable and commercially viable solution to help achieve the utility’s net-zero carbon emission goals. Malta’s storage solution... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/5/2023

FMEA would like to welcome our newest Associate Members Seacoast Uniforms and Working Athlete
FMEA would like to welcome our newest Associate Members Seacoast Uniforms and Working Athlete

Please always remember the companies who support FMEA and the Florida Public Power community first when you need to purchase goods or services! Seacoast Uniforms Seacoast uniforms was started in 2007 by marc mason, an air force veteran , and dawn mason, his wife and a successful real estate... Continue Reading

Postedby Garnie Holmes (deleted)
Date posted01/3/2023