FMEA Welcomes March's New Associate Members

Posted By: Joanna White Association News,

Join FMEA in welcoming our new associate members to the Florida public power community. Please always remember the companies who support FMEA and the Florida public power community first when you need to purchase goods or services.

LineTec Services a Centuri Company
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, with office locations across the Gulf Coast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest regions, Linetec has the flexibility and capacity to address essential electric infrastructure needs across a large service territory. Offering a full range of electric services including transmission, overhead and underground distribution, design services, and storm restoration, Linetec is equipped to deliver consistent service to its customers. Linetec is a part of the Centuri Group which expands our resources and service offerings to support our customers during emergency storm response situations. View profile.

Titan Utility Services
Titan is a full service dielectric testing company. We provide a full service test lab while focusing on our on-site testing services. We also offer tool repair, equipment sales, safety and training along with damage assessment and other storm related services. We stand out above the rest by keeping the safety of linemen as our highest priority. Unlike competing companies involved in other industries, Titan is solely utility based and linemen driven. We are an industry leader in safety and innovation, and we strive to be #1 in customer service. As a test company, we do not want to just be there for you when it’s time for testing. We want to be part of your team and help with compliance whether it be monthly safety visits, crew inspections, complimentary rubber goods and live tool care classes. Or just a quick visits to say hello. Titan will be there for all your testing and safety needs. View profile.

Utility Lines Construction Services
Utility Lines Construction Services (ULCS) delivers electric and gas utility construction and maintenance services for investor-owned utilities, cooperatives, municipalities, large industrial manufacturers, government, general contractors, developers and EPC firms. Formed in 2000 from small beginnings, ULCS now boasts more than 2,300 non-union employees in 15 states safely performing utility transmission and distribution infrastructure work throughout the Mid-Atlantic, the Delmarva Peninsula, the Southeast and the South regions of the United States. ULCS leverages the commitment, scope, scale and financial strength of Asplundh and the Asplundh Infrastructure Group to ensure customer reach, resources and responsiveness. View profile.

To view the complete associate member directory, click here.

For more details about the benefits of an FMEA Associate Membership, please contact FMEA Director of Member Services Elizabeth Bendele at 850-224-3314 or