Ocala City Council Approves Electric Power Cost Reduction


Ocala Electric Utility logoCity of Ocala electric customers will notice some financial relief beginning in March.  On Tuesday, Feb. 6, Ocala City Council members approved a reduction to the power cost adjustment (PCA) rate and an increase in the electric base rates, which will result in an approximate eight percent decrease in customers’ monthly bills. 

The PCA is the mechanism by which the fluctuation of fuel costs is passed on to the customer, while the base rate supports operating, maintenance, and capital improvement costs. 

In August 2023, the City hired Leidos, Inc. to perform a comprehensive rate study. The purpose of this study was to identify the overall revenue requirements to cover the City’s purchased power costs, system-wide operations, maintenance, and capital improvement needs. 

The Utility Advisory Board unanimously approved the rate study findings and staff recommendations on Jan. 24. 

Effective Friday, March 1, the PCA rate will be lowered from $0.056 to $0.02815 per kilowatt hour (kWh) and the energy charge (base rate) will increase from $0.08964 to $0.10126 per kWh, resulting in an overall rate reduction. The customer service charge, which is assessed to each customer every month, will be raised from the current 17 dollars to 20 dollars. 

Residential customers who consume approximately 1,000 kWh will experience a reduction of $14.93, or 8.1 percent, in their overall bill. The exact amount of reduction will vary depending on individual energy consumption. For commercial and industrial customers, a similar monthly reduction will be reflected. 

For customers with questions or concerns, please contact the Customer Service Office at 352-629-2489.

Ocala Residential Chart