Journeyman Competitors
Journeyman Events
4kV Arrester and Insulator Replacement - Download PDF
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Richard Boley - OUC |
8 minutes |
11 minutes |
Event Summary:
This event consists of changing out 1- 4kV arrester and 1- insulator mounted on a 10’ crossarm with flat steel braces. The arrester and insulator must be changed out on opposite sides of the arm, you choose as to which side. You must use a crossarm extension arm to support the conductor while it is untied otherwise you must have 2 points of control on the conductor whenever it has less than 6 full wraps on the insulator and/or locked in the wire holder on the extension arm. All materials will be made up after the time starts: hot tie, new arrester, jumper, etc.
Event Specifications:
- Teams will be allowed a 5-minute setup time before the start of the event •
- Time starts at judge’s signal with fall arrest detached from the pole •
- Class 2 rubber gloves must be worn
- Conductor will be 1/0 AAAC, no armor rod
- 10’ wood crossarm with flat steel braces
- All material and tools must come up and down on the handline in a hose/material bag
- Both sides of the neutral and spool must be covered.
- Proper energized work techniques must be used according to the 17th Edition APPA Safe Work Practice Manual
- Teams must use an extension arm with a locking wire holder for the conductor to rest in while changing out the insulator
- MAD must be maintained at all times
- 2 points of control must be maintained at all times when the conductor has less than 6 full wraps securing it to the insulator (Each Lineman will be considered one point of control via hand and/or hotstick, no shotguns alone will be allowed)
- Hot tie will be made up on new insulator with #4 Alum. after time starts • Hot tie must have at least 6 wraps around the conductor on each side of the insulator and leaving the eye of the tie wire pointing up no more than 3”
- All connections must be brushed with the proper brush and/or brush attachment (no taping a brush to a hotstick)
- No modifying tools or equipment.
- Time will stop when the last climber has both feet on the ground
- All general rules apply
- All tools and material must stay on the tarp
Teams will provide their own:
- Tarp, handline personal tools etc.
- Rated sticks and cover
- Line hose bags and material bags
Event Supplied Tools:
- 2 – alum. saddles/stirrups
- 1 – 24” piece of #4 copper
- 1 – 8’ piece of #4 alum
- 2 – hotline clamps
- 1 – pin type F neck insulator
Armor Rod Install and Tie In - Download PDF
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Dwayne Goostree - Lakeland Electric |
9 minutes |
12 minutes |
Event Summary:
Teams will relocate a previously energized conductor (1/0 aluminum) using rated sticks located in a X-100 roller on the end of a fiberglass standoff, install an armor rod, and tie the conductor in on a pin type insulator. It must be worked as if energized since the line has not been tested and grounded.
Event Specifications:
- Teams will be allowed a 5-minute set-up time before the start of the event
- Time starts at judge’s signal with fall arrest detached from the pole
- No modifying any tools or equipment
- Armor rod and hot-tie on pin insulator must be made up after event time starts
- All material and tools must come up and down on the handline
- Both sides of the neutral and spool must be covered.
- Hot stick must be used to open the latch of the X-100 roller in order to remove the wire
- Teams must use 2 wire tongs to move the wire out of the roller and back in to tie in, wire tongs must have marks/tape indicating MAD from metal collar of head
- MAD must be maintained while removing the X-100 roller and installing the pin insulator
- When installing armor rod, it must fall within the tape marks on the wire
- Armor rod halves must fall within an inch of each other
- Hot-tie must have at least 6 wraps around the conductor on each side of the insulator and leaving the eye of the tie wire pointing up
- Once tied in, all equipment and covering must be sent to the ground and laying on the tarp
- One (1) climber must come to the ground while the other remains on the pole belted below the neutral with the handline
- Time will stop when the climber has both feet on the ground and fall arrest detached from pole
- Once time has stopped and signaled by judge, the climber on the pole must transition above the neutral, re-hang the X-100 roller, untie the wire and remove the armor rod, put wire back in roller, and remove the pin insulator as to make ready for the next competitors
- Once done, climber will come down to the ground to complete the event
- Judging will continue while the event is being put back in order until last climber is off the pole. You will have 5 minutes to put the event back while being timed with a separate watch by the Event Judge. It will be a 2 point deduct if you go over this time.
Teams will provide their own:
- Tarp, handline, personal tools etc.
- Rated sticks and cover
- Covering, line hose bags, and material bags
Event supplied materials
- X-100 roller (Sherman and Reilly XS-100-B with clevis attachment)
(2) 40" pieces of #4 aluminum tie wire
- 1/0 aluminum armor rod (Preformed Line Products catalog# MG-0135)
- PLP Armor Rods • Part # MG-0135
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Mark Vickers - Tallahassee |
8 minutes |
11 minutes |
Event Summary:
This event simulates the repair of a downed single-phase primary line. The primary conductor will be broken midspan. The line side of the conductor will be the only conductor lying on the ground. The deadend pole will only have the polybell and shoe in place. A new section of the conductor must be attached using an automatic sleeve. The conductor must be pulled up to correct sag, using a hoist, and dead-ended after splicing with an automatic sleeve. There will be three different work locations: pole #1, pole #2, and the splice area.
Event Specifications:
- Teams are allowed a 5-minute set-up time. During setup, the conductor may not be altered.
- This will be a 100’ span length and 1/0 alum. conductors.
- The conductor must be tested with dedicated voltage detector and grounded on the source side of the break from the neutral position, and the team/judge must be notified when the line is grounded.
- An automatic sleeve/splice will be used to repair the conductor. The sleeve/splice must be made according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- The conductor must be sagged equivalent to neutral (this is a judgment call by the event judge).
- A hoist must be utilized to sag the conductor.
- No cover-up will be required in this event.
- All grounding and splicing points must be brushed.
- No modifying any tools or equipment.
- Time starts at the judge’s signal with the fall arrest detached from the pole.
- Climbers must wear class 2 or higher-rated rubber gloves ground to ground.
- Any team member working on the splice must wear rubber gloves. Since equal potential grounding is not possible at the point of the splice, the conductor must be treated as if energized. The groundman may wear leather gloves during any other work not at conductor potential.
- Handline(s) must be operated by groundman only.
- All tools and equipment for each work location must remain inside the circle at that work location (exception: the end of the handline attached to the conductor to raise it on pole #2). Due to the nature of the event, the groundman DOES NOT have to stay inside the circle. Any or all team members may work on the splice; however, all general competition rules (gaff guards, PPE) apply.
- The hoist must be removed and sent down the handline to the ground; the lineman must be fully transitioned below neutral before removing the grounds. The handline may be left on pole #2 for disassembling the event.
- Lineman on pole # 2 must be below the neutral before removing grounds.
- Time stops when the grounds and handline have been removed and lowered to the ground, the lineman on the source pole has descended to the ground, and the fall arrest is detached from the pole.
- Teams must tear down the event site before the next team arrives. Judging will continue until the team leaves the event site
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Robert Padgett - Lakeland Electric (Ret.) |
? minutes |
? minutes |
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Zeus Roberts - Beaches Energy |
4 minutes |
5 minutes |
Event Summary:
This team event will be run one time with all three team members participating to rescue the hurt man. Teams have 5 minutes to set up and ask questions. The switch (cutout) feeding the transformer must be opened before the climber can step onto the pole. It will be opened from the ground using an extendo stick that will be provided. The stick must be off the ground and the body anytime it is touching anything energized. The climber must wear rubber gloves ground to ground. Lineman will split handline and loop the hook end of handline around mannequin’s legs. Then take the rope under mannequin’s arms and tie three half hitches (the splice cannot be part of the knot). Once the mannequin has been tied off the climber will utilize the provided “OX Block” with a minimum of 2 ½ full wraps or 3 clicks on the fiction bar. The mannequin can then be lowered to the ground while the third member of the team uses the bottom part of handline tied to the mannequin’s legs to pull mannequin on to the tarp. You must attempt to keep the mannequin off of the pole and hardware. There will be NO gigs for incidental contact of the mannequin on the pole, neutral or service provided the tag man is making an honest attempt. The mannequin must land with all of his body on the tarp provided, and he must hit the ground gently as if it were a real person. A 10’x10’ tarp will be provided and placed 5’ from pole centered under switch.
* Video will be posted on under the Competition section on how to do this event. (Note you will use the OX Block and not wrap the pole like the video)
Event Specifications:
- Time starts at judges signal with all team members at least an arm’s length from pole and extendo stick.
- Rubber gloves will be in glove bag cuffs down with no fingers protruding.
- Lineman’s belt and hooks will be on the ground opposite the switch side of the pole.
- Extendo stick will be lying flat on tarp, fully retracted.
- All three team members must be used. One must climb, one must open switch, and one must tag the mannequin.
- Mannequin must be lowered smoothly to the ground without dragging down the pole and must be completely stopped within 5 feet of the ground then laid gently on the tarp. If the mannequin is not completely stopped there will be a 2 point deduction.
- Time will stop when mannequin is on the tarp, with slack on the handline, and extendo stick is fully retracted and back on tarp.
- Climber will stay on pole and help hang mannequin.
- Team will close switch back after time stops. Any team member can close it back and work gloves must be used.
- You must use the eye to open and close switch.
- When time starts extendo stick will be lying flat on tarp and must be back on tarp fully retracted before time will stop.
- Climber must stay in 5-foot circle while he has his gaffs on.
- Rubber gloves or work gloves must be worn anytime you are working or handling tools and equipment.
- You must cut the orange safety rope. There will be a 10-point deduction for cutting the belt in the wrong place
- The blade of the climber’s knife must not be exposed while climbing.
- Judges will use a 4” PVC conduit between the rope and the mannequin to evaluate the rope knot, the eye splice can not be in any part of the knot.
- You may use any standard knot or hitch on the mannequin’s legs that can be easily removed. (including placing the rope through the hook, but it must not come off)
Teams will provide their own:
- Climbing gear and P.P.E.
Judging Guidelines:
- This year’s lineman competition will be focusing on strict safety guidelines. All rules or safety infractions will be enforced as stated in the event specs. No leniency on the stated rules will be tolerated.
- The OX Blocks: A minimum of 3 clicks or two and a half wraps on the friction bar will be used. This ensures a timely but safe rescue for the fallen Lineman. This is simulating a rescue, mannequins hitting the ground with excessive force or coming in contact with the pole, will be a deduction and is at the discretion of the judge.
- Mannequins: Mannequins will be tied under the arms with 3 half hitches. Any part of the eye splice in the knot will be a deduction. A 4 inch pipe will be used to ensure tightness of the knot. If the pipe can slide in-between the mannequin and the knot it is a deduction. This to ensure the fallen lineman can be safely lowered to the ground.
- Insert: The ORANGE SAFETY ROPE must be cut during the rescue.
- Stop Time: Time will stop when mannequin is on the ground and the handline is slack.
- Climbing: One gaff must be in the pole at all times. Fall arrest must be properly adjusted.
- Class II Rubber Gloves: In this event Class II Rubber Gloves are required ground to ground. • Extendo stick: Must use work gloves to operate.
- Our goal is to have a safe and timely rescue for the fallen lineman. It does little good if you become a victim while doing a rescue. Please understand that all rules will be enforced to ensure safety.
Mutual Aid Event -Download PDF
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
James Alexander & Chris Hodges |
? minutes |
? minutes |
Event Summary:
This event will represent mutual aid storm restoration. Each team will be composed of two apprentices and one journeyman, all three from different companies. The apprentices must climb and the journeyman must be the groundman. This is a MANDATORY event and failure to participate will result in the APP and/or JM team to receive a 10-point deduction to start their competition day (unless signed off on by both Master Judges).
Event Specifications:
- You must be at your assigned event station at 8am ready to compete
- Time will start on Master Judge’s signal (Shotgun style start)
- May only use provided hand tools
- Competitors use their personal PPE, climbing gear and handline (all other equipment and tools provided)
Material provided:
- Will be announced in your registration packet
Tools Provided by Milwaukee:
- P.P.E.
- Climbing gear
- Handline
138-KV Vibration Damper Relocation -Download PDF
Chief Judge: |
Mean Time: |
Drop Dead Time: |
Robert Padgett - Lakeland Electric (Ret.) |
15 minutes |
18 minutes |
Event Summary:
Both Linemen will climb a 40 ft. pole and install a set of protective grounds (brushing required) from the designated brackets on the steel rail, to each side of the bells on the outside phase. (shunting the bells).
The adjacent structures are considered already grounded.
The 12-foot Hook Ladder will already be hung on the steel rale (Safety Chains will be latched) in order to reach the two vibration dampers installed on the conductor.
Both Linemen will be required to relocate from the wood pole to the ladder, maintaining 100% Fall Protection (harness/lanyard).
The ladder must be repositioned (slid out) out far enough to climb down (100% fall protection) and reach the vibration dampers. The Spiral unit and the Bolted unit must be removed and sent down. A new set must be sent back up (no bags allowed) and repositioned on the opposite side that they were previously installed. The Groundman may assist with tagging and/or repositioning the ladder in order to reach the conductor/dampers.
Once the dampers are relocated, both Linemen must reposition back on the pole, still maintaining 100% Fall Protection. The grounds must be removed and safely lowered to the ground. All tools and material must be returned to same location on the tarp as at the start of the event.
Event Specifications:
- Teams will be allowed a 5-minute set-up time once notified by the judge
Time starts at the judges signal (set-up & start time)
Judging will be scored according to the General Rules and Event Sheet
Time stops once the last Linemen is on the ground
Judging stops when all tools and material are returned to the same location as the start
Team members must provide the following tools:
Climbing Tools, Belt, Hooks
PPE, leather gloves, hard hat, safety glasses
Hand Tools
- 1-Handline
Tools Provided:
- 1 - Hook Ladder
- 1 - 8’ Shotgun Stick
- 1 - 8’ Brush Stick
- Protective Grounds
- Lanyard Slings
Material Provided:
Stockbridge Damper (Hand tighten bolt toward pole)
- Spiral Damper (marked end toward bells)