2021 - Unlocking the Full Potential of Solar and Energy Storage in Florida
FAASSTeR Winter Meeting

Part 2: Balancing and Reserves, Distributed Generation
This webinar will provide technical insights on significantly expanding the use of solar PV and energy storage in Florida, the second in a series sharing results from the Florida Alliance for Accelerating Solar and Storage Technology Readiness (FAASSTeR). Topics for this webinar will include balancing and reserves considerations for absorbing large amounts of solar PV, and forecasting the growth of distributed generation, with a particular focus on Florida.
Results presented are associated with a State Energy Strategies project funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Office. Partners in the project are all the Florida municipal electric utilities, the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA, host of this webinar), the State of Florida Office of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), and Nhu Energy (project lead).
About the Presenters
Rick Meeker, P.E., Project Lead, FAASSTeR / Nhu Energy
Rick Meeker is the project leader and PI for FAASSTeR. He is also is founder and President of Nhu Energy, an energy research and technology venture working to accelerate promising innovations in power and controls to deployment. Prior to that, he led Program Development and Industry Partnerships at the Center for Advanced Power Systems at Florida State University. He has over 37 years of experience in power and control systems engineering and research and development and is a licensed professional engineer.
Elaine Hale, Ph.D., Senior Research Engineer, Strategic Energy Analysis Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Elaine Hale is an interdisciplinary systems researcher in the Economics and Forecasting Group in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center. She focuses on understanding potential roles for flexible and demand-side technologies in future power systems with more variable renewable generation. With a background in control and optimization algorithm development, Elaine has enabled and conducted large-scale analysis of complex engineering systems, and systems of systems. She has helped found or has been a key early developer of multiple innovative NREL software tools.
Paritosh Das, Researcher – Model Engineering, Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen) Model Team, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Paritosh Das models the policy decisions that drive the economic and engineering decisions that are defining the modern U.S. power grid. At NREL, he works on the Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen) model. As a member of this team, Paritosh models and analyzes consumer adoption of distributed energy resources and their impact on the electric power system, including scenario analyses and impacts of policies, technology change, and market.
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