2020 Florida Utility Electric Vehicle Roundtable - WebEx Meeting

Hosted by OUC - The Reliable One

Monday, March 9, 2020
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
Now via WebEx (details to follow for registered participants)

NEW MEETING DETAILS: Out of an abundance of caution surrounding COVID-19 and based on a focused agenda, the Florida Utility Electric Vehicle Roundtable will be conducted via WebEx from 10 a.m.-noon for the March 9, 2020 meeting only. A detailed agenda is included below. WebEx details and other technology requirements will be sent to all registered participants at the end of the week.

Host utility OUC and FMEA invite Florida’s electric utilities to come together via WebEx for the fourth Florida Utility Electric Vehicle Roundtable to discuss opportunities for electric vehicle charging infrastructure funding via VW settlement mitigation funds as recently announced by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

This roundtable is open to all Florida electric utilities – municipal, cooperative and investor-owned.

Preliminary discussion topics include:

  • VW Settlement
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) Phase 1 grant funding opportunity through FDEP

Who Should Attend?

  • Sustainability Programs Managers
  • Conservation and Efficiency Managers
  • Regulatory and Compliance Personnel
  • Renewables Coordinators
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Utility Directors and Managers
  • Policymakers
  • EV Coordinators

Registration Information:

  • Open to all Florida electric utilities
  • No cost (please register to receive WebEx details)
  • You do not need to register again if you have already registered. WebEx details will be emailed to you directly at the end of this week.


(WebEx details to follow for registered participants only)

  1. Introductions
    Current Legislative Review – Peter King
    Drive Electric Florida (DEF) Director Introduction and Discussion on Goals of DEF – Peter King
  2. General Discussion VW Funding 
    a. VW EVCI Phase 1 Submission
    b. VW Mass Transit Submission
    c. VW DERA Submission
  3. Deeper Dive
    a. Charging Hub Design and Approach

Meeting Location:

Now via WebEx (details to follow for registered participants)


For More Information:

Nicole Albers

Nicole Albers

Director of Public Affairs & Strategic Communications, FMEA

View Profile
